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Analyze the working principle of molecular distillation apparatus


    The molecular distillation apparatus can separate substances with different boiling points from the mixture, and can also remove impurities mixed in the liquid. The impurities contained in the water are mainly inorganic salts, which are generally non-volatile. When the water is heated to boiling, a large amount of water vapor is generated, and then the water vapor is condensed to obtain distilled water. In mature fermented grains, it contains not only alcohol, but also other tens of other substances. If water is added, the content of these substances far exceeds the content of alcohol, and the mature alcohol content is only 7-11% (capacity). Around, and including water, alcohols, aldehydes, acids, lipids, impurities account for almost 90%, to get pure alcohol, you must use a certain method to separate alcohol from the mature wolfberry. In the production process, heat distillation is used to separate various boiling point, specific gravity and volatile substances from different devices to obtain higher purity alcohol.
     In normal operation, the temperature at the top of the tower must not be lower than 93°C, but it must not be too high. An excessively high top temperature is not conducive to separation and the steam consumption is large. Generally controlled at 95-96 °C. When the temperature is too low, the awakened alcohol does not completely evaporate, but the boiling point of the mixed liquid mixed with water and other components is far more than 78.3°C. Therefore, the bottom temperature of the crude distillation tower should not be lower than 105°C, generally at 105°C. Between 109 °C. Before entering the crude distillation tower, the mature germanium must be preheated to reduce the temperature difference. The short-range molecular distillation device is beneficial to the stable operation of the crude distillation tower. Generally, the preheating temperature of the crucible should be controlled between 60-70°C, and some production units are generally 5-10°C lower due to the influence of equipment performance. Fermentation maturation After passing through preheating, it enters the upper part of the crude distillation unit, and the heating steam is continuously and evenly applied to the bottom. At this time, the liquid alcohol in the mature wolfberry can be converted into alcohol gas by the effect of heating, and other low boiling points and volatilization can be achieved at the same time. The impurities, all of which become gaseous, enter the acetaldehyde tower together with the alcohol, and the distilled waste is discharged out of the tower.

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